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Bedrock Wine Co.
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The Bedrock tasting room at the Joseph Hooker House in Sonoma

Bedrock Wine Co. Tastings on the Sonoma Plaza

We are happy to be able to host our tastings at the historic Joseph Hooker House in downtown Sonoma. The quaint saltbox home has a very limited amount of space, so appointments are required.

We make wines from an array of old vineyards from around the state, so tastings at Bedrock are structured to show a breadth of style while focusing on history, particularly that of Sonoma Valley. We endeavor to create an experience that is a reflection of how we view our wines: the foremost priority is for them to be delicious, but they can also provide great intellectual fodder if you choose to go that route.

Menus at the Bedrock tasting room

Request an Appointment


$30 per person* / complimentary for longstanding mailing list members


By appointment
Opening at 10:00 am
Last appointment at 3:30 pm


General Joseph Hooker House
414 First Street East
Sonoma, CA 95476


The Nitty Gritty

Tastings are $30 per person, but complimentary for longstanding members of our Mailing List who don’t abuse their privilege. A longstanding member has been on the list at least a year and has bought wine on a frequent basis.

Each tasting fee is waived with a purchase of two bottles.

Appointments are available Wednesdays through Sundays beginning at 10:00 am. The final appointment of the day takes place at 3:30 pm.

Due to space constraints, we have a very limited capacity to accept groups larger than 6 people. Large group tastings are subject to availability and timing and require more advanced notice. Please contact us to discuss further.

Request an Appointment

To request an appointment, please sign up on our mailing list or log in with your existing account.

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